Your Guide to Piercings
Is there anything in your daily life that could obstruct the healing of your new piercing?
Do you wear headphones or ear buds?
Do you wear high rise clothing?
These are just a couple questions out of many you should ask yourself when considering the location. It is ABSOLUTELY possible to heal a piercing if you answered yes to those questions, however, you may need to make adjustments in your daily life to better aid in the healing process to limit the problems that you may encounter. Piercings are wounds that you heal with a foreign object (i.e. body jewelry) so you have to consider that it will take anywhere from a few months to a year or two to completely heal depending on the location of the piercing and the individual.
As far as style goes, we always recommend starting with jewelry that offers the smoothest healing process possible. Some piercings are easier to heal with a labret, ring, curved barbell, or a straight barbell depending on the location. Daith piercings and septum piercings are widely considered easier to heal with a hoop, whereas lobes, helix, and many other ear piercings are considered easier to heal with a labret or straight barbell jewelry. Feel free to ask if you are unsure, that’s what we are here for!
What you put into your body will also dictate how well your piercing heals. You can refer to safepiercing.org for standards that meet the criteria for safe body jewelry. https://safepiercing.org/jewelry-for-initial-piercings/
Are you a maximalist that wants multiple large pieces in your piercings? Or are you leaning towards simpler pieces that give a more subtle minimalist look? Do you prefer rose or yellow gold? Maybe you prefer white or “silver” tones such as white gold or titanium. Gems, opals, or neither? Would you want color or not? It can be possible to create a look that is cohesive and flows well together by adding elements from each category.
Healing is one of the most important parts of any body piercing. Healing differs from person to person. Sometimes you heal with ease, sometimes you struggle even if it seems you are doing everything correctly. Unfortunately, piercings do not heal on a linear path. You will have good days, and you will have bad days. But as long as your piercing is performed well with quality jewelry and you are following proper aftercare, then it really just boils down to patience. Patience will take you far on your healing journey. When problems arise, it is advised to not wait and see if it resolves itself but rather stop in and have the piercer take a look to help you troubleshoot.
If you are not able to make it into the studio, sending Nik a direct message on Instagram (@atlasrex_piercings) and sending clear photos is the next best option. Have someone help you take a photo of the front and backside of your piercing without distorting the area (an example would be folding your ear over to take a photo of the back of it) You can refer to the aftercare section on safepiercing.org for information on aftercare.
How should you prepare to get a new piercing? Well, let’s start off with diet. You do not need to be a fitness expert to get a new piercing. However, you should try to eat a balanced diet and stay hydrated throughout the healing process. The less energy your body has to use during healing, the better. It is recommended to eat a meal before any piercing you get. Treat yourself, make a day out of it. It’s also important to wear clothing that is comfortable and easy to work around for both you and your piercer. The less there is obstructing the site, the easier and quicker the piercing can be performed. If you have any questions, please reach out.
ID Requirements for Minors:
The Florida Department of Health requires we have identification for both minor and legal guardian. Above the age of 12, identification is only satisfied with a valid, government-issued photo ID (i.e. driver's license or passport) or the combination of a birth certificate or non-government-issued photo ID (i.e. student ID).
Natural guardians (birth parents) must present legal, government-issued photo ID (i.e. driver's license or passport). In the case of differing last names, the birth certificate is a requirement. Expired IDs will not be accepted.
Legal guardians must present legal, government-issued photo ID (i.e. driver's license or passport) and valid court documentation of the guardianship. Expired IDs will not be accepted.